What is a Workflow?Filters
Lysozyme in Water simplest version, from COMPSs Tutorial
Hypermatrix size 2x2 blocks, block size 2x2 elements
Hypermatrix size 2x2 blocks, block size 2x2 elements
Hypermatrix size 2x2 blocks, block size 2x2 elements
Multi-band array detection and location of seismic sources. BackTrackBB is a program for detection and space-time location of seismic sources based on multi-scale, frequency-selective statistical coherence of the wave field recorded by dense large-scale seismic networks and local antennas. The method is designed to enhance coherence of the signal statistical features across the array of sensors and consists of three steps. They are signal processing, space-time imaging and detection and location. ...
K-means clustering is a method of cluster analysis that aims to partition ''n'' points into ''k'' clusters in which each point belongs to the cluster with the nearest mean. It follows an iterative refinement strategy to find the centers of natural clusters in the data.
Hypermatrix size 2x2 blocks, block size 2x2 elements