
What is a Workflow?
9 Workflows visible to you, out of a total of 16

COVID-19: consensus construction

This workflow aims at generating reliable consensus sequences from variant calls according to transparent criteria that capture at least some of the complexity of variant calling.

It takes a collection of VCFs and a collection of the corresponding aligned reads (for the purpose of calculating genome-wide coverage) such as produced by any of the four variant calling workflows in ...

Type: Galaxy

Creator: Wolfgang Maier

Submitter: Simone Leo

Parallel Accession Download

Downloads fastq files for sequencing run accessions provided in a text file using fasterq-dump. Creates one job per listed run accession, and is therefore much faster and more robust to errors when many accessions need to be downloaded.

Type: Galaxy

Creator: Marius van den Beek

Submitter: Simone Leo

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