Workflow Type: Galaxy
This workflow is developed for automatic detection and measuring of mitoflashes in time-lapse microscopy images.
In addition, this workflow can be used for detection and tracking of other spot-like organelles with small motion.
If this workflow helped with the analysis of your data, please do not forget to cite:
Associated Tutorial
This workflows is part of the tutorial Tracking of mitochondria and capturing mitoflashes, available in the GTN
- Includes Galaxy Workflow Tests
- Includes a Galaxy Workflow Report
Thanks to...
Workflow Author(s): BMCV Group, Heidelberg University
Tutorial Author(s): Diana Chiang Jurado, Leonid Kostrykin
ID | Name | Description |
0 | Mitochondrion detection | Localization and intensity measurement of mitochondria in all frames. (*Note: 1. The input image sequence should be a single TIFF stack; 2. parameter 'Sigma' needs to be adapted for the input image.) |
1 | Mitochondrion tracking | Association of all detected mitochondria. (*Note: Parameter 'Neighborhood size' needs to be adapted for the size and moving speed of mitochondria in images.) |
2 | Curve fitting to measured intensities | For each mitochondrion, a curve is fitted to its intensities over time. If the significance level is set to a value greater than zero, an additional curve is generated to assist in distinguishing mitoflash events (significant intensity deviation from the fitted curve). |
ID | Name | Description | Type |
Curve Fitting for Mitoflash Detection | #main/Curve Fitting for Mitoflash Detection | n/a |
Spot Detection Across Frames | #main/Spot Detection Across Frames | n/a |
Spot Detection of Mitoflashes | #main/Spot Detection of Mitoflashes | n/a |
Version History
1.0 (earliest) Created 25th Nov 2024 at 13:09 by Helena Rasche
Added/updated 4 files

Not specifiedSubmitter
Views: 259 Downloads: 83
Created: 25th Nov 2024 at 13:09
Last updated: 25th Nov 2024 at 13:09
