What is a Workflow?Filters
Retrieve climate data from Copernicus
Associated Tutorial
This workflows is part of the tutorial Retrieve climate data from Copernicus, available in the GTN
Thanks to...
Tutorial Author(s): Bérénice Batut, [Helena ...
Visualization of RNA-Seq results with heatmap2
Associated Tutorial
This workflows is part of the tutorial Heatmap2 Workflow, available in the GTN
- Includes Galaxy Workflow Tests
Thanks to...
Tutorial Author(s): [Maria ...
Given a set of VCF files and the reference genome used to do the mapping and SNP calling, create a multifasta file containing the genomes of all samples and calculate the matrix of pairwise SNP distances
Associated Tutorial
This workflows is part of the tutorial From VCFs to SNP distance matrix, available in the GTN
Thanks to...
**Tutorial ...
In this workflow the similarity among set of search queries (e.g. genes) is analyzed based on the associated vocabulary in PubMed. The last tool is an interactive tool that enables the inspection of the data.
Associated Tutorial
This workflows is part of the tutorial Simtext training workflow, available in the GTN
Thanks to...
**Tutorial ...
Creating a new tutorial
Associated Tutorial
This workflows is part of the tutorial MakeAFakeInput, available in the GTN
Thanks to...
Tutorial Author(s): Bérénice Batut, Helena Rasche, ...
Associated Tutorial
This workflows is part of the tutorial Intro_To_FNN_v1_0_10_0, available in the GTN
- Includes Galaxy Workflow Tests
Thanks to...
Tutorial Author(s): Kaivan Kamali ...
roscoff hackathon
Associated Tutorial
This workflows is part of the tutorial trinity NG, available in the GTN
Thanks to...
Tutorial Author(s): Anthony Bretaudeau, Gildas Le Corguillé, ...