What is a Workflow?Filters
Basics of machine learning
Associated Tutorial
This workflows is part of the tutorial Machine Learning, available in the GTN
- Includes Galaxy Workflow Tests
Thanks to...
Tutorial Author(s): [Anup ...
Identify upregulated miRNAS and analyze potential targets in downregulated genes.
Associated Tutorial
This workflows is part of the tutorial Plant bulk RNA-Seq workflow, available in the GTN
Thanks to...
Tutorial Author(s): Cristóbal Gallardo, ...
Interval-Wise Testing for omics data
Associated Tutorial
This workflows is part of the tutorial Workflow Constructed From History 'IWTomics Workflow', available in the GTN
Thanks to...
Tutorial Author(s): Marzia A Cremona, [Fabio ...
RNA-seq genes to pathways
Associated Tutorial
This workflows is part of the tutorial RNA Seq Genes To Pathways (imported from uploaded file), available in the GTN
Thanks to...
Tutorial Author(s): Maria Doyle, [Belinda ...
GO Enrichment Analysis Tutorial
Associated Tutorial
This workflows is part of the tutorial GO Enrichment Workflow, available in the GTN
Thanks to...
Tutorial Author(s): IGC Bioinformatics Unit, Maria Doyle ...
Starting from the BAM files produced by snippy, generate a table that summarizes the drug-resistance profile for each sample
Associated Tutorial
This workflows is part of the tutorial From BAMs to drug resistance prediction with TB-profiler, available in the GTN
Thanks to...
Tutorial Author(s): [Galo A. ...
Associated Tutorial
This workflows is part of the tutorial Intro_To_CNN_v1.0.11.0, available in the GTN
- Includes Galaxy Workflow Tests
Thanks to...
Tutorial Author(s): Kaivan Kamali ...